Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Bisnis (Terbaru)

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Di bawah ini, terdapat sebuah Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 4 Orang Tentang Bisnis yang baru saja saya buat. semoga Anda menyukainya. Oiya, kira-kira, apa yang mereka diskusikan? Bisnis apa yang mereka bicarakan? Saya berikan klu-nya. Mereka sedang membicarakan sebuah bisnis penjualan sepatu pria. 😀

Indra: Hello guys. I am tired, let’s get some drink at my favorite cafe.

Sandi: That’s a good idea. How about you, Sandra?

Sandra: Wait for a few minutes. I am checking this work first.

Indra: Ok, no problem.

Sandi: I am having a trouble again. My supplier was late to send the products.

Indra: Oh, maybe you need to change him.

Sandi: That’s the point. I am totally confused. I am looking for the new supplier in Facebook and Twitter but I haven’t found it yet.

Sandra: I can show you some choices. I have many colleagues that are ready to stock the products for you. You are a dropshipper for man shoes, right?

Sandi: Nice idea Sandra. Yes, I am selling shoes for men.

Indra: Come on, let’s bring your business discussion to the café. All of you speak business and I lean my head on the back seat while drinking.

Sandi: Ok, don’t let this boss become crazy because we talk the business matter seriously and continuously.

At the Café..

Sandra: Ok guys, what do you like?

Sandi: I order for an orange juice.

Indra: And I choose a coffee.

Sandra: Good, I prefer to choose tea than coffee.

Indra: Nice thought.

Galih: Hi, what are young doing? May I join?

Sandi: Hi Galih, how are you?

Galih: I am good.

Indra: Hi Galih, have a sit please..

Galih: Thank you Indra.

Sandi: Sandra, let’s talk about our business again.

Sandra: Oh, yeah. I have some friends that become a producer of shoes, and may be tomorrow I will contact them for you.

Galih: What are you talking about guys?

Indra: They are talking about shoes suppliers because Sandi need to change his supplier.

Galih: Really, what’s happening with your old supplier, Sandi?

Sandi: They are often very late to send me the products. I was so disappointed.

Galih: Nice to hear that!

Sandi: What do you mean?

Sandra: Are you mocking him?

Galih: No, I am not. I mean, that a good thing because I can recruit him to be one of my sellers.

Indra: Wait, are you producing shoes for man?

Galih: Yes, I am.

Sandi: Nice! What kind of shoes that you produce for?

Galih: There are so many kinds of shoes. You can find the shoes for children, teens, and adults.

Sandra: How’s the quality?

Galih: In every Sunday, I export my shoes into four countries, that is, Singapore, England, U.S. and Japan.

Sandi: Great! Thanks dude. I will be excited to join as one of your sellers.

Galih: You’re welcome Sandi.

Indra: Do you have a problem anymore?

Sandi: No.

Sandra: So, let’s have a drink..