Penjelasan Detail tentang Run-Ons and Comma Splices beserta Contoh Soal

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Penjelasan Detail tentang Run-Ons and Comma Splices beserta Contoh Soal

Kesalahan dalam penulisan penulisan bahasa Inggris umum terjadi. Salah satu kesalahan tersebut adalah peletakkan tanda koma (,) yang kurang tepat (comma splices) dan kalimat yang seharusnya menjadi 2 kalimat namun ditulis menjadi 1 kalimat (run-ons). Apakah penjelasan dari dua kesalahan dalam writing tersebut? Di bawah ini adalah penjelasan detail tentang run-ons and comma splices beserta contoh soal.

I. Definisi dan Penjelasan Run-ons and Comma Splices

Run-ons dan comma splices adalah dua kesalahan dalam kalimat yang sering ditemukan pada saat penulisan bahasa Inggris. Kesalahan – kesalahan tersebut sering terjadi ketika 2 kalimat memiliki makna yang saling terkait / berhubungan.

a) Run-on

Run-on adalah kesalahan dimana dua kalimat sederhana digabungkan menjadi satu dengan tidak menggunakan tanda koma dan tidak menggunakan kata hubung sehingga kalimat tersebut menjadi salah.

Contoh kalimat:

Kalimat Salah  Some weeks ago, Jonas wanted to win the bike – riding competition he spent many hours riding his bicycle. (Beberapa minggu lalu, Jonas ingin memenangkan perlombaan mengendarai sepeda dia menghabiskan waktunya dengan mengendarai sepedanya)
Kalimat Salah Don’t walk on the grass it is forbidden here. (Jangan berjalan di atas rumput hal tersebut dilarang di sini)

b) Comma splices

Comma splices adalah kesalhan ketika dua kalimat digabungkan hanya dengan tanda koma (,), namun kalimat tersebut memiliki maknaya yang salah.

Contoh kalimat:

Kalimat Salah  Some weeks ago, Jonas wanted to win the bike – riding competition, he spent many hours riding his bicycle. (Beberapa minggu lalu, Jonas ingin memenangkan perlombaan mengendarai sepeda dia menghabiskan waktunya dengan mengendarai sepedanya)
Kalimat Salah Don’t walk on the grass, it is forbidden here. (Jangan berjalan di atas rumput hal tersebut dilarang di sini)

C. Contoh Kalimat yang Benar

1. Pisahkan dua kalimat sederhana dengan tanda titik  (.).

Contoh kalimat:

Kalimat Benar Some weeks ago, Jonas wanted to win the bike – riding competition. He spent many hours riding his bicycle. (Beberapa minggu lalu, Jonas ingin memenangkan perlombaan mengendarai sepeda. Dia menghabiskan waktunya dengan mengendarai sepedanya)
Kalimat Benar Don’t walk on the grass. Iit is forbidden here. (Jangan berjalan di atas rumput. Hal tersebut dilarang di sini)

2. Tambahkan tanda koma (,) dan tambahkan satu kata hubung (coordinating conjunction).

Contoh kalimat:

Kalimat Benar  Some weeks ago, Jonas wanted to win the bike – riding competition, so he spent many hours riding his bicycle. (Beberapa minggu lalu, Jonas ingin memenangkan perlombaan mengendarai sepeda, jadi dia menghabiskan waktunya dengan mengendarai sepedanya)
Kalimat Benar Don’t walk on the grass for it is forbidden here. (Jangan berjalan di atas rumput karena hal tersebut dilarang di sini)

D. Contoh Soal

Write other possibility forms for the sentences if they are already correct. If the sentences are wrong, correct them.

1. Many people like eating at home, others prefer eating out.
  Many people like eating at home. Others prefer eating out.
  Many people like eating at home, but others prefer eating out.
  Many people like eating at home, and others prefer eating out.
2. Hamsters and rabbits are cute, people keep them as pets.
3. Dogs and cats can be good companions, and they can play with you.
4. Some reptiles may look scary for people they shouldn’t bite them, however.
5. Tigers and lions can be good protectors, and they are carnivores.
6. Rabbits and cats look cute, they are nice pets for everyone.
7. A pet dog can fetch you a newspaper every morning, you won’t need to walk to grab it yourself.
8. Cows and goats eat lots of grass, so you won’t need to cut your lawn.

Kunci Jawaban:

  • Some people like eating at home. Others prefer eating out.

Some people like eating at home, but others prefer eating out.

Some people like eating at home, and others prefer eating out.

  • Hamsters and rabbits are cute. People keep them as pets.

Hamsters and rabbits are cute, and people keep them as pets.

  • Dogs and cats can be good companions. They can also play with you.

Dogs and cats can be good companions, or they can also play with you.

  • Some reptiles may look scary for people. They shouldn’t bite them, however.

Some reptiles may look scary for people, but they shouldn’t bite them.

  • Tigers and lions are also good protectors. They are carnivores.

Tigers and lions are also good protectors, but they are carnivores.

  • Rabbits and cats look cute. They are nice pets for everyone.

Rabbits and cats look cute, and they are nice pets for everyone.

  • A pet dog can fetch you a newspaper every morning. You won’t need to walk to grab it yourself.

A pet dog can fetch you a newspaper every morning, so you won’t need to walk to grab it yourself.

  • Cows and goats eat lots of grass. You won’t need to cut your lawn.

Cows and goats eat lots of grass, and you won’t need to cut your lawn.

Demikianlah penjelasan detail tentang run-ons and comma splices beserta contoh soal. Semoga penjelasan detail di atas dapat dipahami dengan baik oleh teman – teman semua sehingga dapat membuat writing yang baik. Terima kasih.