Pengertian dan Daftar Contractions Paling Lengkap!

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Apa itu contractions? Sederhananya, contractions adalah singkatan. Kemudian, bagaimana bentuknya? Dan bagaimana cara membentuk singkatan tersebut? Anda bisa menemukan penjelasannya di bawah ini.

1) Contractions yang pertama dibentuk dengan cara mengganti huruf yang hilang menggunakan tanda apostrof. Contohnya:

  • Is not: Isn’t
  • Cannot: Can’t
  • I am: I’m
  • He is: He’s

(2) Contraction yang kedua dibentuk dengan mengompres kata. Contohnya:

  • Mister: Mr.
  • Doctor: Dr.
  • Professor: Prof.

Daftar Contractions yang menggunakan apostrof:

1aren'tare not
3couldn'tcould not
4didn'tdid not
5doesn'tdoes not
6don'tdo not
7hadn'thad not
8hasn'thas not
9haven'thave not
10he'dhe had, he would
11he'llhe will, he shall
12he'she is, he has
13I'dI had, I would
14I'llI will, I shall
15I'mI am
16I'veI have
17isn'tis not
18it'sit is, it has
19let'slet us
20mustn'tmust not
21shan'tshall not
22she'dshe had, she would
23she'llshe will, she shall
24she'sshe is, she has
25shouldn'tshould not
26that'sthat is, that has
27there'sthere is, there has
28they'dthey had, they would
29they'llthey will, they shall
30they'rethey are
31they'vethey have
32we'dwe had, we would
33we'rewe are
34we'vewe have
35weren'twere not
36what'llwhat will, what shall
37what'rewhat are
38what'swhat is, what has
39what'vewhat have
40where'swhere is, where has
41who'dwho had, who would
42who'llwho will, who shall
43who'rewho are
44who'swho is, who has
45who'vewho have
46won'twill not
47wouldn'twould not
48you'dyou had, you would
49you'llyou will, you shall
50you'reyou are
51you'veyou have
